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Causes of diabetic wounds and how to deal with them

Diabetes is the cause of many problems in the body, one of the worst being wounds. 70% of non-traumatic amputations are attributed to diabetes. The process that causes this problem is not currently being treated correctly under present standards. The problem is increasing!

What causes diabetic wounds?

Answer: A lack of blood flow to the outer layers of skin tissue due to increased sugar in the blood and reduced blood pressure at the feet. This thickens the blood to a consistency near that of honey. This thickened blood is more difficult to pump into the tiny capillaries on the outer layers of skin tissue. Without the oxygen supply from the blood the skin tissue will die and form a wound.

What are the symptoms and signs of the onset of a diabetic wound?

Tingling or numbness in the feet with reduction of limb temperature as blood becomes more restricted.Skin tissue color will change as the above progresses to white, burgundy, and black as the restriction worsens along with swelling or oedema of the limb as the problem continues. Wounds will appear in the affected areas where blood flow is the least.

Current standard:

To use synthetic dressings that trap moisture at the wound interface and cause mucus build up allowing bacteria to form in a puss-filled mess in the wound. These dressings are often left in place for days. This moisture does not allow oxygen to enter the base of the wound causing the tissue to break down further. Adding extra ointments and silver to the dressing in turn causes an overabundance of moisture at the wound interface, completely preventing blood flow. (Silver is a heavy metal that does not break down in the body) The human body does not produce ointment or silver so why would the body need it to heal? The most important cell in the human body is the oxygenated blood cell, without it, all tissue will deteriorate and die.


Simply take an adhesive bandage and place around your index finger and go to bed. When you take the adhesive bandage off the next morning, note the skin color has turned white under the bandage. This happens because the moisture from the bandage has flooded the skin tissue and allows no room for the blood to fit in the tissue. The skin has turned white due to a lack of oxygen. Note, if you can’t get an oxygen cell in the white tissue you will not have antibiotics and proteins in the tissue either. Synthetic dressings create this problem with tunneling and undermining of healthy tissue, this is why wounds last for years with no relief, or in turn lead to amputation.

Treatment with Australian medical sheepskin and sheepzorb wound dressings.

Australian medical sheepskin has many abilities due its natural structure. Every sheepskin wool fiber is naturally hollow, thus creating a natural insulator for the body. Sheepskin leather will absorb up to 11 times it’s own weight in moisture. These two factors alone are critical to healing a wound. Australian medical sheepskin boots will maintain limb temperature at 37°C. Warming the limb to standard body temperature will increase blood flow in the leg as the Sheepzorb wound dressing absorbs excess moisture from the wound and allows for flow of oxygenated blood supply to the base of the wound. You are then getting the oxygen, antibiotics and proteins into the tissue requiring it. Sheepzorb wound dressings are also microbial absorbent, which means that smelly infected wounds will abate very
quickly. Sheepzorb wound dressings are reusable for the same patient saving money and landfills. Further, as blood flow is increased in the limb due to maintenance of body temp from the boots, swelling or oedema in the leg will reduce as plasma is naturally absorbed back into the blood. Results have shown to be far more effective than compression, as compression results in capillary constriction, causing a further lack of blood flow to the tissue. See leg wound treatment results.